Saturday, August 28, 2010

Which Social Group will I belong to Today?

        As I walked to my dorm i stop at a vacant bench for a quick rest, while i admire the summer breeze i was accompanied by a fellow Mizzou student. As we proceeded to have a friendly conversation we discover that we share many commnon intrest and similarities.  We are both from St. Louis, Missouri, we both are accounting majors, and we both enjoy eating at Baja grill. As I began to observe our conversation i realize i have joined another social group.  A social group is a group of individuals that share the same social intrests.  The social groups one belongs to is always changing and increasing.  I belong to many social groups and all of them have played a significant role in my everyday life and the growth of my self-esteem.  Joining a social group is often subliminal.  Interacting with one or more people about a specific intrest or topic places you into a social group.  Barre Toelken explains that the smallest form of a social group is a dyad.  Learning what a dyad was drastically increased the amount of social groups that I belong to.

Dyad:(Tolkens definition) two people who participate in an ongoing relationship which is so close that each partner provides an immediate reflexive counterpart to the other.

     I am involeved in many social groups such as my family, friendships, classmates, dormmate, associates, co workers, and church groups just to name a few. I began to observe the characteristics and the way we interact with one another. Tolken states, "Since most peple are members of more than one such group, and since people do not always do the same things when they come together, it becomes necessary for the student of folklore to make close observations of that particular group."
     Me and my family share the common similarity of being related and we share the intrest of having love and respect for one another. The dynamics of our relationship is informal and educational. We are comfortable to where we say things that will not normally say in a more formal group. folklore is also being taught throughout our everyday interaction. Past experiences from the elders of the group informs the younger generation of obsticles they may face in the near future.
      The relationship I share with my friends is very informal. As i observed our conversations and actions our relationship is based of escape enetertainment and support. This group will have to be the group that I am the most comfortable in, I am allowed to be myself and use language and terms that would not be appropiate in a different group.
      When interacting with my fellow classmates and teachers taking caution is very important. Not knowing the unkown draws the line between whats appropiate and whats not. I am unware of the morals, religious views, and what may be offensive to them, so being curtious and respectful is very important. This particular social groups strongly informs education
      The interaction with associates and co workers is mostly very limited. We discuss the topics and intrest that we share which are normally very few.
      There are new groups forming every minute all you need is a intrest and a simlarity. What  social group will you join today?