Sunday, October 17, 2010


Tl;dr means “to long, don’t read”.  This meme describes aspects that relate to the American Culture.  Wikipeda is an informational website that Americans use to find research about nearly any topic of concern. This image depics how much Wikipedia offers.  This shows how reliable the internet is in America, unlike other countries who’s technology is not as advanced as ours.  This meme also shows a factor of laziness.  Reading is not a popular hobby among Americans.  When it comes to strenuous work or lengthy readings Americans try to find the easy way out. Wikipedia is used for educaional 
purposes within a folklore group.  It informs and also entertains.  Due to the fact that Wikipedia is open for the public to add information it is not an professional or institutioanl form of work. Wikiepia is an unofficial form of communication that is distrbuted to a group of people who seek to discover the same information about intersting topics.  Even though Wikipedia is an American bades website they also offer information in other languages to accomidate other cultures who may me curious about certain issues. This meme is entertaining and humorous because as an American I can relate to the joke behind the image. I find myself using Wikipedia whenever I need to know an answer.  It is alot eaiser to go online and read information about a topic by just typing in the name rather than reading an encylopidia.  If wiipedia was converted into a book this image wouldnt even compare to the information that Wikipedia provides. tldrwikipedia.jpg

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